This is our final resource for our 6-days of disability resources in honor of Disability Employment Awareness Month. Today’s resource is for your employers. If you are working with businesses who use online technology as part of their hiring process, this may be a helpful resource to ensure the process is accessible. Take a look… Click to read the full article
Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 5: Job Search Resources
We’ve made it to Day #5 of our 6-days of disability resources in honor of Disability Employment Awareness Month. Today’s resources is probably one of the most commonly used disability-related resources in the area of job accommodation. We use this resource quite frequently, but I still find areas on this website I haven’t yet explored…. Click to read the full article
Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 4: USAJOBS
We are now on Day #4 of our 6-days of disability resources in honor of Disability Employment Awareness Month. I hope you are finding these resources useful. Our goal is to provide you with a variety so you can pick one of interest and give it a try. We’ve selected resources you can use year… Click to read the full article
Disability Employment Awareness Month – Day 3: AbleData
We are continuing on with our 6-days of disability resources in honor of Disability Employment Awareness Month. We are on Day #3. Remember that you can use these resources all year! Resource #3: AbleData Looking for tools or technology to assist a job seeker with a disability? AbleData prides itself in being the premier… Click to read the full article
Disability Employment Awareness Month Resource #2: “30-Second Disability Trainings”
Resource #2: “30-Second Disability Trainings” On the Disability Navigator (DPN) website, you’ll find 30-second trainings on eight different topics! The topics include: Original 30-Second Trainings Mental Health Ticket to Work/Employment Networks National Disability Employment Awareness Month Asset Development DPN Promising Practices Employer One-Stop (American Job Center) Access They were created using PowerPoint. … Click to read the full article
Upcoming Training Opportunities & Events
Job Development Boot Camp It’s not too late! The start date of our upcoming Job Development Boot Camp is October 26th! This low-cost, virtual mini-session webinar format is perfect for learning new tools, implementing them and layering on more. Whether you are new to case management/job development or you’ve been around for a while, it’s… Click to read the full article