The purpose of this initiative is to recognize, honor, and publicize the contributions of our nation’s workforce professionals. I wanted to share my personal thanks via video for the amazing… Click to read the full article
Training Resources
#1; If you are a Ticket to Work provider, this training is for you! The National Employment Network Association (NENA) sponsors a quarterly training call featuring a variety of topic-area… Click to read the full article
Enhancing Employers Return with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Performance outcomes are undoubtedly the driving force for most job placement and service-related programs. Sometimes those outcomes are clearly spelled out by the funder. Other times, outcomes are vague, which… Click to read the full article
Tips for Managing Customer Expectations
In today’s economy, stress levels are on the rise and have been remaining constant. A survey done by ComPsych Corporation, the world’s largest provider of employee assistance programs, found that… Click to read the full article
Establishing Employer Relationships: The Do’s & Don’ts
In today’s job market, being able to connect on a more personal level with your employers is an absolute must if you’re workforce development professional. With unemployment rates in double-digits… Click to read the full article
Disability Interview Strategies – Tip #5
Tip #5: Practice, practice, practice! Don’t go to a job interview thinking you will be able to “wing it,” especially as it relates to addressing your disability. Often, when we’re… Click to read the full article