Gaps in a resume are less problematic if good work experience can be illustrated. This is true even of volunteer experience not related to the specific field in which the… Click to read the full article
Disability & Work – Gaps Strategy #3
A job seeker can explain gaps either in the main body of a resume or in a cover letter. If a cover letter is used, a job seeker should take… Click to read the full article
Disability & Work – Gaps Strategy #2
Some gaps are trickier to explain. These include periods of unemployment, which may or may not be related to disability or illness. If the mentioning of gaps can’t be avoided,… Click to read the full article
Disability & Work – Gaps Strategy #1
Keep in mind that not all gaps need to be mentioned. These include gaps that lasted for a couple of months or occurred long ago. In such cases, it is… Click to read the full article
Disability & Work – Explaining Gaps in Employment
When it comes down to business, employers want to hire reliable people committed to their jobs. For this reason, most employers check for a progressive path through education and work… Click to read the full article
Disability Etiquette – Tip #7
Tip #7 – Be Sensitive to Hidden Disabilities If a person makes a request that seems out of the ordinary, it may be related to a hidden disability. Hidden disabilities… Click to read the full article