On the Disability Navigator (DPN) website, you’ll find 30-second trainings on eight different topics! The topics include: * Original 30-Second Trainings* Mental Health * Ticket to Work/Employment Networks* National Disability… Click to read the full article
Training Resources
#1; If you are a Ticket to Work provider, this training is for you! The National Employment Network Association (NENA) sponsors a quarterly training call featuring a variety of topic-area… Click to read the full article
Dealing with People You Can’t Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst
Hopefully the title of today’s resource caught your attention! I ran across this book about a year ago when I was preparing for a customer service training. In the process,… Click to read the full article
Showing Your Value to Employers!
1. Nurture the relationship throughout the year. Don’t just call when you need something! 2. Get to know your employers on a personal level. Show an interest in something that’s… Click to read the full article
Establishing Employer Relationships: The Do’s & Don’ts
In today’s job market, being able to connect on a more personal level with your employers is an absolute must if you’re workforce development professional. With unemployment rates in double-digits… Click to read the full article
FREE Disability Rights Online Course
I was referred to this new training by a colleague. It’s a free, self-paced webcourse available 24/7 that provides an overview of disability rights laws. I took the course last… Click to read the full article