The challenging events of these past few weeks have hit home for many of us. As a service provider, I’ve been thinking a lot what it is that we can do to be of service to our customers. I recently had a conversation with my oldest son about this. He said it best when he said, “Just listen.”
Playing the Hero: When the Helper Helps Too Much
If you are in the field of career or workforce development, it is most likely due to your intrinsic desire to help. Your role? To empower your clients!
Ethics and Virtual Services: 3 Tips for Getting it Right!
Professional boundaries is something that workforce development professionals are acutely aware of. Whether you work with your clients in person or from a distance, boundaries and ethics are crucial to… Click to read the full article
Pave Your Road to Success with Good Habits
Establishing positive habits related to your mental and physical well-being, your job, and your approach to life in general can really make the difference in the level of success you… Click to read the full article
Why We Need to ‘Rock’ an Attitude of Gratitude!
After a five-day road trip, we are back in California gearing up for the holidays. Our journey west took us through five different states. One of my favorite stops was… Click to read the full article
Lessons Learned on the Farm…Yes, the Farm!
Now, small town and country living isn’t for everyone. But, there is a lot to learn from slowing down and taking a real inventory of your surroundings. This includes the… Click to read the full article