Employee retention has taken a front seat in importance as businesses compete for talent in today’s flourishing economy. As workforce professionals, we are in a unique situation where there are… Click to read the full article
Lessons Learned on the Farm…Yes, the Farm!
Now, small town and country living isn’t for everyone. But, there is a lot to learn from slowing down and taking a real inventory of your surroundings. This includes the… Click to read the full article
Email Communications—Tips for Being Clear and Concise!
Let’s face it. The majority of communications these days take place not in person or by phone, but via electronic communication, such as email. In fact, a lot of business… Click to read the full article
5 Strategies for Handling the Unexpected!
As you know, especially in the field we work in, things don’t always go the way we plan. Whether it’s our schedule, a client we’re working with, or life in… Click to read the full article
Cover Letters: Are Your Clients Missing Out on Free Real Estate?
I’m often amazed that more people don’t take advantage of the “free real estate” available in a cover letter. While a resume gives part of the story, a cover letter… Click to read the full article
News and Updates from Human Solutions
Listen in as I share the latest news from Human Solutions! Have a great month and we’ll see you next time!
A Simple Equation for Fantastic Customer Service
Creating solid relationships with your customers is a critical component of your success as a workforce development professional. When all other aspects of your organization are comparable to others in… Click to read the full article
Partner Relationships: Do Yours Sink or Swim?
I will be heading out on a road trip later this month doing a number of trainings throughout Central California. The training will focus on building collaboration and how to… Click to read the full article
Professional Certifications—Are you WINNING?
Pursuing professional development of all kinds is a great way to enhance your skills, increase your value and provide you with the expertise you need to best serve your clients…. Click to read the full article
I Know My Job! Why Do I Need Certifications?
I am a firm believer in continuing education. Aside from the fact that I enjoy learning, I understand the benefits of being on a life-long learning path. In an industry… Click to read the full article