Preparing for your workforce development orientations takes a lot of forethought, planning and follow-through. Your goal is to conduct a meeting that provides your customers with the information they need… Click to read the full article
Part One: 7 Key Strategies for a Successful Workforce Development Orientation
In your role as a workforce development professional, you probably conduct orientations with your new customers on a regular basis. Great first impressions are anchored by a well-prepared meeting, which… Click to read the full article
Six Simple Strategies for Managing Your Work-Related Stress
Like most of us, you entered this field because you had a genuine desire to help your customers move forward and advance in their careers or education. When times are… Click to read the full article
The WIIFM Factor – What Every Service Provider Needs to Know
One of the first marketing basics we learn is putting yourself in the shoes of your target audience. This is called the WIIFM factor or the “What’s In It for… Click to read the full article
Communicating with Customers for Win-Win Results!
Communicating with customers is a major part of being a workforce development professional. Throughout the entire placement process, you’re in constant touch with your customer, guiding them through the process…. Click to read the full article
Want to Communicate Well with Employers? Learn to Speak their “Language”
As a workforce development professional, one of your primary roles is to build strong relationships with employers. How do you do this? By learning their “language.” It’s essential that you… Click to read the full article