As your customer re-enters the workforce, they may be offered the opportunity to participate in their employer’s health benefits packages. Access to employer-sponsored health insurance is typically a great benefit to working! But, if your customer already has Medicare coverage as part of receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), they may have the following questions… Click to read the full article
Inspiration from the “Elders”
The list is endless, really. A quick Google search of accomplishments of this generation will give you dozens of results to browse and enjoy. Below are just a few well-known “elders” who used their experience, wisdom and maturity as an opportunity for continued growth and success. To read the expanded list, visit Vera Wang…. Click to read the full article
Inspiration from the “Elders”
The list is endless, really. A quick Google search of accomplishments of this generation will give you dozens of results to browse and enjoy. Below are just a few well-known “elders” who used their experience, wisdom and maturity as an opportunity for continued growth and success. To read the expanded list, visit Vera Wang…. Click to read the full article
5 Tips for Reducing Age Discrimination
Below are 5 important tips that can help alleviate the age-related challenges you might face in your job search. Tip #1: Limit the experience listed on your resume. Include experience up to: 15 years for non-technical jobs 10 years for technical jobs 5 years for high-tech jobs Include relevant work history or skills (no dates)… Click to read the full article
Disability Disclosure: Strategies for Service Providers to Increase the Odds of Disclosure
What should I say? How much should I share? These are often among the many questions that play out in a person’s mind when making the choice to disclose or not to disclose a disability. They weigh the perils of secrecy versus the risk of disclosure. It’s a dilemma for many and can contribute to… Click to read the full article
5 Principles for Effectively Maintaining Professional Boundaries as a Workforce Development Professional
Trust and respect are the keystones of all solid working relationships. As a successful workforce development professional, your goal is to develop a sense of trust and respect with your customers, along with a good rapport. They need to feel at ease when approaching you, relating to you and considering your advice. Relationship-building, however, should… Click to read the full article