Social Media & Service Providers: 3 Tips to Manage Your Online Reputation! By: Lisa Jordan For many of us, social media has permeated many aspects of our personal and professional lives. If you don’t actively use social media yourself, you most likely have co-workers, children or even grandchildren that are “connected.” As a service provider… Click to read the full article
Professional Boundaries: Is it Okay to Accept Food from Clients?
Recently, I’ve been conducting a number of professional boundary trainings for workforce development and childcare providers. One of the “hot” topics we’ve discussed has been the giving and receiving of gifts. Most agencies have a policy or expected standard in place that guides staff as to when gifts may or may not be appropriate. However,… Click to read the full article
3 Strategies for Providing Exceptional Customer Service!
Over the past few years, I’ve been asked to facilitate training for workforce development professionals on customer service, specifically on how to engage customers and keep them coming back. In my preparations, I came across a customer service training book adapted from the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), by Maxine Kamin that really… Click to read the full article
Webinar-Based Workforce Development Training
Beginning in May, Human Solutions will begin rolling out and making available more online and webinar-based workforce development training for our readers. We know attending live training isn’t always possible, and we want to expand our offering of professional development and continuing education opportunities. In celebration of this, for each webinar-based or online training… Click to read the full article
Disability Disclosure
Disability Disclosure: Strategies for Service Providers to Increase the Odds of Disclosure The perils of secrecy versus the risk of disclosure – this is the dilemma that often plays out in a person’s mind when making the choice to disclose or not to disclose a disability. For some, the decision to disclose to a service… Click to read the full article
Training Opportunities
Career Development Facilitator (CDF) eLearning Training In addition to setting you apart from others in the field, the CDF training program was created to provide standards, training specifications, and Global CDF credentialing for eligible career providers. Our training is delivered in an eLearning format, giving you the flexibility and time to complete activities and assignments,… Click to read the full article