One of the key components of our Ticket to Work Program is for our clients to report their weekly “wins.” A win can be anything positive that happened or that they accomplished the week prior. It doesn’t matter how big or small. Our goal is to acknowledge and help celebrate their success!
We’ve decided to carry this practice over to the other side of the business and celebrate YOUR wins! We know that so many of you are working around the clock to meet the needs of your clients. Each month, we are going to designate a space on our blog for you to share your Wins for the month :). We’ll send a reminder the first Wednesday of every month asking you to share.
To share your win, please leave a comment below. We look forward to celebrating YOUR success! Don’t be shy – post a win now!
My big win for the month – Two weeks ago we attended a marketing/business planning session that has had a HUGE impact on several areas of the business. I’m looking forward to working with our team as we implement the plan over the next six months!
I recently received notification that I had successfully completed my Community Work Incentives Coordinator (CWIC) certification.
The journey began over a year ago and it feels great to have accomplished it.
I’m looking forward to helping customers understand that they can slowly transition off of disability benefits when they are ready to return to work.
I assisted one of my clients to prepare for an interview for a customer service position, which he said paid in the range of $9-$10 per hour. He called me after the interview and stated the company offered him a tech position with paid training at $55,000 per year! Woo hoo!
Congratulations – that’s GREAT news!! Here is an extra Woo Hoo!