County of Merced, Department of Workforce Investment
Topic: Hiring a Diverse Workforce: Why it Makes Good Business Sense! Audience: Employer Training Location: Merced, CA
Disability and Workforce Development Experts
Topic: Hiring a Diverse Workforce: Why it Makes Good Business Sense! Audience: Employer Training Location: Merced, CA
Topic - Job Placement Strategies for Serving Individuals Who Were Previously Incarcerated Delivery – Facilitate two (2) full-day onsite workshops on the above topics. Audience – Employer training Location – Merced, CA
Topic - Cybernaut Professional Development Training – Key Strategies to Increase Facilitation Skills Audience - MCS Cybernaut participants, focusing on professional development issues related to: Cybernaut program participation, career advancement, customer service, and workplace relationships. Location - Los Angeles, CA 90010
January 25-26, 2018 Topic: Advanced Case Management Strategies for Improving Outcomes: Encouraging Disability Disclosure, Case Notes, and Business Engagement Strategies Audience: Staff Training for Sutter County & NCCC Staff Location: Yuba City, CA
Staff training on job development to include: Identifying Your Value to an Employer; Getting to Know the Employer/The Basics, Developing a System for Employer Engagement – Creating an Approach, and Communication Strategies – The How, What, When and Why.