The purpose of this initiative is to recognize, honor, and publicize the contributions of our nation’s workforce professionals. I wanted to share my personal thanks via video for the amazing… Click to read the full article
Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic
We do hope this post finds you well. I know for those of you reading this message, your day-to-day routine has most likely been turned upside down due to… Click to read the full article
Cool Tools for Marketing Job Seekers with Disabilities!
It’s always great when you come across new (and cool!) tools to help your clients. It’s even better when these resources also benefit the businesses that hire them. BlueBadge The… Click to read the full article
How to Keep the Joy in This Joyful Season!
Thinking of all that the holiday season brings, I was reminded that while this is a joyful time of year, it can also be a time of stress. The days… Click to read the full article
5 Tips for Reducing Age Discrimination
Below are 5 important tips that can help alleviate the age-related challenges you might face in your job search. Tip #1: Limit the experience listed on your resume. Include experience… Click to read the full article
A Message of Gratitude
Like me, I imagine you’re deep in preparation for a joyful holiday with family and friends! However you choose to celebrate this special day, I️ do hope you’re are able… Click to read the full article