Disability Employment Awareness Month – 6-Days of Resources

Resource #1: “Who I Am” Outreach Toolkit

Who I Am Poster; Denyse Gordon

Who I Am is part of part of the Campaign for Disability Employment (CDE), a collaborative effort among several disability and business organizations seeking to promote positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities by encouraging employers to recognize the value and talent they bring to the workplace.

What I really liked about the toolkit is that it features nine real people with disabilities (not actors – except one!). Rather than be defined by their disability, these individuals are the sum of their various life roles, including loving the job they work at.

In addition to a PSA, you can download or order posters of each of these individuals. The message is extremely positive, not only promoting the employment of disabilities, but doing it in a way that I know many of our clients will identify with.

To downloadable the posters: http://www.whatcanyoudocampaign.org/blog/index.php/who-i-am-posters/

To order form the printed posters: http://promotions.usa.gov/odep.html

In addition to “Who I Am,” the CDE put out three additional outreach toolkits, including one in Spanish. They include:

  • “Because” – focusing on the benefits young people with disabilities if they are able to develop their skills and talents into successful careers
  • “I Can” – highlighting what people CAN do at work and the value of creating a flexible, open work environment
  • “What Can YOU Do?” – encompasses the “Because” and “I Can” campaigns with a goal of changing misperceptions while encouraging others to raise awareness

As I was reading about all of these wonderful toolkits, I kept thinking these would be great for marketing our own programs. Whether you work for an organization that is currently implementing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), where there is a focus on serving people with disabilities, or you’re an Employment Network with Social Security’s Ticket to Work program, I think you’ll find these no cost resources valuable. Did I mention they were FREE?

You can access each of the toolkits here: http://www.whatcanyoudocampaign.org/blog/index.php/cde-toolkits/

At the very least, order the free printed posters to put up in your agency or office. Take a step toward creating a welcoming environment!

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